Join Us for Broomfield Moms Support Group | Estate Planning for Parents

Friday, February 12, 2016
9:45 am

Estate Planning for Parents
Broomfield Moms Support Group
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
12099 Lowell Boulevard
Broomfield, CO 80020

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to choose guardians for your children and not make any of the six common mistakes parents and lawyers make when naming guardians
  • Why naming permanent guardians is just not enough to keep your children from spending time in foster care
  • How to put your financial house in order and keep it that way
  • How to keep your family out of probate (which is long, expensive, public and does not pass your assets in a responsible way!)
  • How to prevent a court from having to supervise your children’s inheritance and then handing them your wealth at 18!
  • Confirm you are making smart financial choices about saving for college; keeping your money safe; and buying life insurance
  • Ensure your kids and spouse are taken care of…no matter what
  • Learn the secrets to protecting your kids’ assets from lawsuits and divorce

By the end of the workshop, you will have a clear plan of action to ensure your children are always raised by the people you want, in the way you want, even if you cannot be there.

We’ll guide you to exactly what to do to fulfill your responsibility for your children’s well-being and care, always.